Terms and Conditions
Warranty policy does not cover any labor or shipping charges. H2O Logics Inc. shall not be liable for any costs or charges attributable to any product testing, maintenance, installation, repair, or removal, or for any tools, supplies, or equipment needed to install, repair, or remove any product.
On all sales, whether for components or for entire systems, the only warranty offered is the Manufacturer's warranty. All warranties are serviced by the respective manufacturers. When applying for warranty, claims arising will be handled directly by the manufacturer in accordance to their warranty policy, terms and conditions as found in the equipment owner's manual.
Notwithstanding anything above, in no case does H2O Logics Inc. ever warrant or undertake to be responsible for special, consequential, or indirect damages, or for any other damages beyond repair or replacement of the defective goods in questions. In no case does H2O Logics Inc. ever make a warranty of fitness for purpose or of merchantability. The provisions in any specifications, quotations, or invoices hereto attached if any, are descriptive, unless expressly stated as warranties.
We love satisfied customers so if you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us via e-mail using the Contact Us Form or via telephone at (780) 417-9935